Standards / Calibrators
LAPL-GM-300 (14 vials IgG and IgM)
(Sold separately as 1 set of LAPL-GM-300G and 1 set of LAPL-GM-300M)
Set of 14 lyophilized polyclonal calibrators (7 IgG calibrators; 7 IgM calibrators) to construct IgG and IgM calibration curves from which IgG and IgM anti-cardiolipin values, respectively, of unknown samples can be determined.
LAPL-GM-300G (7 vials IgG only)
Set of 7 lyophilized polyclonal calibrators to construct IgG calibration curves from which IgG anti-cardiolipin values, respectively, of unknown samples can be determined.
LAPL-GM-300M (7 vials IgM only)
Set of 7 lyophilized polyclonal calibrators to construct IgM calibration curves from which IgM anti-cardiolipin values, respectively, of unknown samples can be determined.
Set of six lyophilized Calibrators for determination of IgA aCL antibodies. These Calibrators are suitable for the calibration of an ELISA test to detect IgA aCL antibodies in human serum or plasma.